Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Coz Im Lazy

ok its middle of the night baut 1.24am and i dont know what to do be honest i know what to do but im bored. there is nothing interesting on the tv today nor nothing special on facebook. so i took the chance to update my dear blog over here(so called 'dear'). first and for most, im bored!!! totally.. ok now!! rather than making you bored on my post, let me tell you a story of my day.. my day started when i woke up late(11.45am actually).. kindda early aite :p  anyways i went straight to the kitchen and asked my mom what is the menu for today & next i went to have my shower etc we skip till the end of luch and suddenly i felt the urgencies to clean the car(i washed it yesterday,but felt wna clean it again).. so i took this window polish and started to polish the front view of the car until suddenly i remembered i need to renew my license.. i stop doing wat i was doing and rush to my room,had a quick change and to my superbike(in dreams) and went to renew it(kindda melodramatic aite-thats me!!!) so after coming back i was supposed to play a board game with my family and also i planed to have a jog session in the evening. i mean i need to lose some fat on my body guys.. especially on the tummy site and my ass.. i really need and guess what the total evil superhero of all time 'THE BOREDNESS' drifted me to my room and i fall asleep till i think i was my dinner time.. took my dinner,had my shower and watch tv till now updating my blog... so guys how was you day and and the story about my mystical crush over A still gonna continue.. i mean few days back im in deeply crush on A...pheww(dramatic)...haha...anyways have a good night sleep and tc

good night sleep song for you guys


Monday, December 5, 2011

Im Back~AGAIN!!

yea yea. i know i left the blog empty without any updates for a long time but i have my reasons ready here ok..
1) i was studying.pffftttt so much of studying in ya dreams
2) i was still studying... T.T
3) shall i continue???

well that was wat is wasn't doing through out my MIA(missing in action in case for all those peepz that don't know what it stands for) is that i was perfectly lazy to update. i have a hectic life plus a boring life.. so yeah who would ever wna listen to my boring life.. :)

anyways i have successfully ended my first half year with not sorta high pointer but yeat im happy because after this i won't have to go to that same old boring building again for every single day from 8am to 5pm(yeah i know yal cn feel my pain) :( but listen!!!! IM A FREE BIRD NOW!!!!!

out from there, i just wna thanks because still sticking on to my boring old blog. so yeah today i gna tell u peez about this person that i had a secret crush..

as usual i met this person on our famously social network called FACEBOOK(duhhhhh) and added...this person was great till now..lets name that person as the moment when i added A, A was just after a huge break up.. i mean A told me bout everything that the boyfriend did etc etc.. as a loyal listener(im still) i listen to every tits and bits of the story and gave A some support.. little did i know that i will fall for A.. i mean we were different race and the racial status was highly stigmatized here in Malaysia..having different race as your boyfriend and girlfriend was a big NO-NO in malaysia. so with sticking on that rule and based on many-many personal experiance of being rejected, i just remained silence.. i talk to A everyday although A has mood swings sometimes but yeah having a small chat with A would make me smile..maybe A doesn't knows about it but who cares.. i have a crush on A and no one can bring me down.. beacuse of my so called 'shyness', A got a boyfriend and when A told me, i was deeply burning.felt wna just go into the chatbox and slam my hand on A perfect cheeks...sheeeshhhh(sounds so wrong).. anyways because of my silence, i missed the train and i never actually back off from chatting with A...but little did A know that i had a crush...

one one fine day,while chatting as usual, i confessed my feeling towards A, and i saw 1 minute of silence(actually not exactly 1 minute but much more longer) an i thought that A just will remove me....little did i know that A will reply.......
but the reply is still mystical....


Saturday, July 9, 2011


ok i know..i have been ages since i have updated my blog.people keep on e-mailing me to update it but guys im so sorry.i have no time for it but yeah now i have bit for it. so nw the problem that i have been having since i was 10 is getting worse. people noticed it,told me and i took no action and now i think its time for me to take an action before its out from my hand. i have a weight management problem.yeah u heard me. i have lots of FAT on my belly and my ASS part to my thigh..n im proud to say it to the world because i need to change and i will be soon. so recently i changed my diet and planed my weight loss for 2 months and hope it works. here some of the exercise that i have find out from the internet...
1)abdominal crunches
2)stomach twisting
3)russian twist
4)hip raise exercise
5)sit ups
6)front squats
7)dumbell side bends
8)leg lift exercise
9)reverse crunch
10)chin up crunches

all above is exercises for ya tummy....and for ya ass is down here

2)pistol squats
3)bulgarian squats
4)duck walks
7)step ups@ climbing stairs

but guys don't all this in one time perios or ya gna rip ya muscle off...try 1 and keep on adding other one by one per day....and do warming up and a bit of cardio exercise before doing up this exercises....
