Sunday, July 11, 2010

by Baljinder Singh a/l Sarjeet Singh

what life mean to you? Maybe for someone it expresses feeling,for some its people that makes their life and for me life is a four alphabet letter that shows the path of my le weather its full of fun nor its thorny with darkness. Life is something that is not predictible and we as the slave of life have to obey with rules and nature of it. Maybe some of use rebels over it but who knows what will turn out to be our future. Past, present and future is still a question in my mond and yet it will be to me forever till the day of my dateline. Past is something to be remembered and make it useful for future but present is the momet that we go through every single day but yet question about the present. Our every single movement is written and played by our life. We are just a doll and will be playing its character till the end. Life teaches us a lot of things that can't be learned from book nor from people because every single human on this earth haves its own different life and we can't compare our life to them. Maybe from the outside appearance it looks just as healthy and happy but from inside it may turn out something different that we wouldn't expect. So thats why it is told generation by generation that create your own path you indeed will find your own success. Yet to find peace and happiness there is the hard way that most of them fail and leave at behind while some of them will suceed and are on the top of the world in their life. Thats the reason the word life is something that is beyond our thinking level and the Creator is the only one who knows the meaning of life. Journey of life is hard and makes you to quit it but who said we can quit it. Depends on our mentality and our will power that will takes us to the end of the race of life. We by ourself defines our own life wether it is a happy life nor it is a bad life.. and we can see here that life plays a major role in life wether it is good or not.

we can't run what we are doing and we can't change what are we doing. If it is something good there there is something behind the reason and if it bad there the reason something that turn out badly nor it depends on the persons mentality that changes him or her.. as for me I choose the right way because it has many advantages rather than the bad way although there is fun and everything that person can dream of. I was raised up with values that is priceless given by my parents and its the time that I use them in my life in every single path that I go on. Maybe sometime it triggers anger to other but we can't change what we are doing, yet we must continue what we are doing. We can't follow other people as other people is not same with us. They have their own mentality and we have ourown mental that acts by its own. Yes I do agree we can follow other people's footstep but not every single footstep because for each person it is different

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